Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sit Rep

I've been busy...refilling my creative juices.

Before I commence with the script rewrites, I've been inching through a long reading list that's built up for the last several months. But there's light at the end of the tunnel. =)

And once I complete those, I'll start work on a planned novel or two (and squeeze in a new script here and there).

I expect to post thoughts on one or two of the fiction books I've read. December has surprisingly become a TV month. Must see if a new trend or two is developing.

I saw a few films, but didn't feel like writing anything up about 'em. Even though some studios (Paramount with $1 billion) raked in lots of money in 2007, most of the features released this year weren't very good, but served to lure people into coughing up their hard-earned dough. With theater prices rising and my time at a premium, I've been getting more and more discriminating lately.

The holidays were...OK. And I'm hopeful for getting my first fiction/film sale in 2008.

Only the gods know at this point (and any time travelers who can't share what they know without violating the integrity of the established timeline and bringing the universe as they know it to an end).

Hailing freqs closed.

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