Wednesday, October 04, 2006

SNW 10: The final edition?

I just learned that there's some serious doubt about the Star Trek Strange New Worlds (SNW) 11 anthology coming out.

What's definite is that editor Dean Wesley Smith announced on his forum that he will definitely give up the reins after assembling SNW 10.

If Pocket Books decides to continue the SNW anthology series, they'll have to do it without Dean.

It's been a great opportunity to first learn from Dean and his wife Kristine Kathryn Rusch at their final Oregon Master Class in 2004 and then submit to SNW.

I've learned a lot of lessons that I'm appling to my writing in both fiction and film.

I'd actually expected this to happen sooner because Dean did say at the 2004 Master Class that he had some projects in the hopper. SNW has had a great 10 year run, but, as every scientist knows, nothing escapes the law of entropy.

If the gods're with me, one of my Trek stories will make its contribution to the SNW library.


Anonymous said...

That probably reflects the techtonic shifts going on in the whole Star Trek kingdom. They made it to the 40th anniversary and now don't know what to do with what they have. (sigh/grin)

Dr. Phil

Boris Layupan said...

Too true.

That's why I'm so dubious about Abrams making Trek XI a Kirk story.

That's sure to appeal to existing TOS fans.

I doubt a new Kirk will bring Generation X and younger fans into the franchise fold, though.


Anonymous said...

The conversation about whether to continue the contest occurs every year at the Pocket offices. This year is no different, save for the new caveat that Dean is electing to "retire" from being the first-line editor for the contest. As for the contest itself, it's doubtful that any decision one way or the other will be made before next year, after #10 is at least wrangled to a signficant degree. That's pretty much the way it works every year.

So, for now, just breathe regular. :)


Boris Layupan said...

You're completely right about SNW being renewed every year and that
naysayers shouldn't get ahead of themselves.

I was also factoring in Dean's opinion that market changes may
eventually bring SNW's run to an end.

But we might as well focus on the moment and see how SNW 10 turns out.

Hopefully, it'll be the best edition so far.

A strong sales run will of course be considered when SNW 11's
prospects come up.

I'll be curious to know who the new editor will be then.


Anonymous said...

Course, if there is another run, I think they should hand the reins
over to some obscure but nifty indvidual.
Like, say, oh, Dayton Ward or Kevin Dilmore...



Anonymous said...

A few things here:

It will evnetually end, but that doesn't mean it ends now.

Focus on the now and writing none SNW stories as Dean always says.

It will by the best edition so far. Dean say that it will be and
he hasn't been wrong yet about that. Plus we have all improved over
the years.

If I'm in it, not only will I be buying copies to give out, the
two freebees aren't any where near enough for that, but my great
following will be buying them .... well make that friends and family.:)


Still working on that formula with my next story.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck, Boris.

Boris Layupan said...

Thanks a million.