Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Let's see...

I just concluded a week of getting comments on my "Way of the Peacemaker" story on Critters. The story's good, but needs some adjusting, which I'll try to do this weekend. I'll look forward to learning which pro author will be lined up to read the story before I shoot it off to WOTF in, say January 2007.

I've also typed up new scenes for my American "Master and Commander" script, "Stars and Stripes Forever." But I haven't added them into the current draft yet and seen how they mesh together.

And I'm getting my Chinese Joan of Arc script, "Heaven's Mandate," looked over by a new screenwriting group called WeHo Online Screenwriters Group that I joined on November 22, 2006. I think I'm one of the very first members right after the group owner, who's a production assistant at Fox. The group is just a few weeks old and I'm still getting a feel for how it's turning out. They needed people to submit a script for their first group crit session, so I submitted mine to give 'em something to chew on. The first session should be some time this month.

Then I've got my romantic comedy to take care of next before I get hold of the script consultant I have in mind for reading my 3 scripts before I send 'em to the major script contests in 2007.

I'm curious about the upcoming "Eragon" flick. I may write a review of it.

All I have to do is make the time and energy with extended holiday work hours and a bad economy slowing things down for the sixth year in a row.

I expect I'll manage.

Hailing frequences closed.

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