Sunday, February 18, 2007

"Heaven's Mandate" Coverage

I'm a little late in reporting this...

On February 12, 2007, I got a ScriptShark Notes Plus coverage report on my Chinese Joan of Arc tale.

The script is good, but there's room for some character development, which I'll be happy to do. I just have to find the time...

The reader gave me a "Reluctant Pass." Even though it's not a "Consider" or "Recommend," it doesn't seem too bad. She? (something about the report's phrasing) pointed out that Hollywood isn't interested in Chinese period pieces in general, which I know. I was pretty much aiming for Hong Kong from the start. I will see what I can do to approach James Schmaus's "Rogue Film" company.

I wanna get Schmaus's "Crouching Tiger" collaborator, Ang Lee, to direct. :-)

Ronny Yu ("Fearless") strikes me as a good second choice.

I'm afraid that Zhang Yimou's films don't work for me: "Hero," "House of Flying Daggers," and "Curse of the Golden Flower."

I may still sub "Heaven's Mandate" as is (it won in the 2006 UCLA contest after all) to a few contests in 2007, but maybe not every one of 'em because it's not high on Hollywood's list of fave genres and most especially to save myself some money .

We'll see.

At least I've got ideas for making this opus even better.


Anonymous said...

I hope the notes were useful.

I know you'll do well in the contests.

Boris Layupan said...

Thanks for the support!

I'll give it my all.