Monday, March 31, 2008

Sit Rep

I've been quiet for a while...from writing.

I finished revising my YA fantasy, "The Dance," which I'll sub to WOTF. After I put it through an extensive round of critting. Hopefully, my readers will agree with my assessment that it's a good piece for its kind. :-)

I will soon start revising my 1st qtr 2008 WOTF Semi-Finalist tale "Ra-Gho-Zu" before subbing it to a likely market. I can hardly wait.

I finished rewriting the first of my five script rewrites and am waiting to consult with my script reader, who's been on the road.

I expect that after I finish my fiction, I'll dive back into the other script rewrites.

Some will be tougher than others. :-/

And if I find the time and energy, I will write a review on a TV episode and/or film in the near future.


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