Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I've completed the requirements for the Advanced UCLA Screenwriting Certificate program and the ceremony was held on the UCLA campus today.

Very low-key. No caps and gowns, degrees, obnoxious paparazzi, etc.

No major industry players showing up to network with neither, which is the down side.

People who showed up got their certificates and if they won in the UCLA screenplay competition (like yours truly), they got an award for that and a nice little check, which is good for paying a monthly bill or two. (For more details on my contest win, new readers can see my
UCLA Screenplay Contest Winner post.

Grads also get to go to a nearby coffee shop and shoot the breeze with classmates and teachers. Very cozy.

I couldn't show up, though, but I'll get my certificate and award in the mail.

C'est le vie....

If I were Russian, nichevo.

Time to move on, continually improve, write, sell, break in, that sort of thing.

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