Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sit Rep

After some major hair tearing sessions from Monday to Friday of this past week, I finished what I think may be the draft of my SF short story that I'll send to WOTF. Woohoo!

It's titled "For Kimi." Previous titles were: "Law and Order," "Justice," "Honor and Justice," "The Way of the Peacemaker" and "The Peacemaker."

This is a story I've banged my head against on and off for longer than I ever expected. But I just had to keep working on it till I got it right. Masochism comes with being a writer I guess.

I'm letting this story rest for a bit, then I plan on sending "For Kimi" out into the world to brave WOTF and/or the short fiction marketplace. If the gods are with me, I'll be able to write up an account of next year's WOTF award ceremony and workshop.

I have new fiction in mind, but I've also got some screenplays calling for attention, too. The curse of being interested in both fiction and film...

On the AFF front, I was able to clear time away from work, get an airline ticket, book lodging in a dirt cheap place, and get my discounted (but still costly) all access badge for the Austin Film

I will be able to mix with Hollywood insiders over drinks and BBQ (though I don't drink and don't like ribs). As one of my screenwriting teachers advised me, though, "Hope for everything and expect nothing."

I won't have a problem saying "hi" and talking shop, but it's all in the lap of the gods now.
