Monday, May 01, 2006

Designated "XPERTS" Reader

I answered a call for readers by Critters workshop captain/former SFWA VP Andrew Burt to read some an English translation of a German novel set in a mutant human universe a la X-Men, I'd say.

I was among the few Andrew selected (thanks a million, very flattered :-)) and I'm looking forward to diving into the manuscript for the first book in the series. I hear tell XPERTS has been selling like hot cakes over in Deutschland and talks are in progress for a movie deal (European, I suppose).

Some novels and an anthology of short stories are planned. Those who read this first novel will of course have a leg up on what the series and universe is about if they want to fight for novel assignments/anthology slots. I'll be curious to see what XPERTS is all about.

Tchus! "Later" auf englisch.


Anonymous said...

Very cool, Boris! Congrats. "Tchus"? Is that German?

Boris Layupan said...

Danke schone!

Tchus is Austrian slang for "cheers" or "bye!"

A lil' different from the standard auf wiedersehen or just plain wiedersehen.