Saturday, January 06, 2007


Busy, busy, busy...

The New Year's kinda flew by for me in a daze.

I'm tweaking my WOTF space opera sub "The Way of the Peacemaker" for some pro readers, and getting good comments from other fledgling writers.

I'm getting comments on my Stephen Decatur script "Stars and Stripes Forever."

I'm working on my rom com script "Twice In A Lifetime." I'm roughly halfway through the beat sheet. Then I'll do character profiles. Then I'll start rewriting...


And I'm organizing a group read for a drama script penned by a person on the WeHo (West Hollywood) online screenwriters group that I'm trying out. As the manager, I'm committed to this event, but I doubt I'll stay long term with them since that group isn't very lively and it can be a fair amount of work managing it if you want to do the job right. :-)

I'd also committed myself to reading the featured script and perhaps entering in an online workshop with the other writer to work on other scripts. Must be careful that I don't overload myself when I'm not working.

Oh, and I'm still waiting on the results for SNW 10. Because there's a new editor at Simon & Schuster Books who's judging, the normal reporting time has been pushed back from the normal January 3 date to...sometime in January.


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