Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 4

Today was a light day. Relatively.

I chose a business oriented curriculum on the final day of panels.

11:30 A Attended a panel on "Packaging, Copyrights & Contracts."

1 P Attended a panel on "Financing."

2:30 P Attended a panel on "Budgets: Talkng to People, Working the Numbers."

No more panels. Woohoo!

I could go into some detail on what was said, but I don't feel like it. Suffice it to say, the more one knows about the business side of things, the better off one is when dealing with those who specialize in stuff like contracts, financing, distribution, production scheduling, etc.

Good thing I took that production company class earlier this year. It made everything the panelists talked about understandable.

I caught two flicks today.

First was "Juno."

Juno, a whip-smart teen girl (Ellen Page, "X3"), deals with an unplanned pregancy by her best friend Paulie (Michael Cera). With the help of her best friend Leah, Juno finds her unborn child a seemingly perfect set of parents: an affluent suburban couple Mark and Vanessa (Jason Bateman ad Jennifer Garner).

Dialogue was quippy and trendy, which means it'll be dated in a few years. The story didn't have a challenge or antagonist per se, but I was happy enough to follow it to the end.

Second flick was "Lars and the Real Girl."

Lars (Ryan Gosling), a delusional twenty something, starts a relationship with Bianca, a lifelike woman doll, Lars buys from the internet. Lars' family and friends go along with it to help him work it out. It's a real hoot watching everyone treat Bianca as if she were real. And the way how the relationship ends and Lars moves on can't be missed.

Now all that's left are films.

At first glance, the Monday line up doesn't really catch my eye. I'm definitely gonna sleep in, then I'll see how I feel about Monday's offerings tomorrow.

I'm definitely looking forward to some stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A bunch of people are cutting out now that the panels are done, but I signed up for the duration for better or worse.

I'm gonna make the best of it.

Hailing frequencies closed.

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