Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Zen Pen Critique

This past weekend, I got a critique on my "Ra-Gho-Zu" story (formerly "For Kimi") from The Zen Pen, run by Carina Gonzalez, the former slush editor for Realms of Fantasy magazine.

She gave me an editor's view of the story and offered a few tips on further tweaking the story during an ongoing dialogue these last few days.

Her scoring scale is 100 maximum points achieved in three parts.

The first is 75 points for good writing and telling. The second is 15 points for the story itself. The third is 10 points for luck, researching publication personalities, and being at the right place and the right time.

I got:

~ 73/75 for the writing and telling.

~ 14/15 for the story.

~ Assuming I target the right market and the gods are with me, I have the highest possible score of 97/100.


I'd already been working on the story for a while before subbing it to her. Earlier drafts wouldn't have scored so high.

Once I do make some final adjustments, my top 3 choices for my opus are WOTF, Jim Baen's Universe, and Analog.

I'm looking forward to WOTF. :-)


Anonymous said...

Boris, I'm so glad you heard back and that she provided such useful editorial feedback. Stan at Analog has a 30 day turnaround, so you might try there first.

Makes me think to try a story out on ZenPen myself.

Boris Layupan said...

Hey Oz,

I will definitely consider Analog.

It was interesting to get an editor's view as opposed to a writer's.

And thanks for pointing me to Zen Pen in the first place.


Unknown said...

Boris, that feedback is really encouraging. Congratulations. I like that her system recognizes that luck, like preparation, does play a part--but luck favors the well-prepared, and you've done the preparation.

Boris Layupan said...


Thanks for the congrats.

Looking forward to WOTF. Just letting the story rest for a bit.

Good luck with your own writing.
