Saturday, July 21, 2007


Thanks to an impulsive decision to watch a few episodes on Geoffrey's, my roommate's, Battlestar Galactica Season 2.5 DVD set, I got only 3 hours sleep.

The morning sky was really starry when I left with Scott, Saladin, and Geoffrey.

I dozed part of the way and chatted with the guys as Scott, the generous guy who gave me a seat in his rental, drove us to Albuquerque. We all split up outside the departure terminal at the airport.

After almost 7 hours of airport/jet travel hassle, I finally got back home. :-)

I was fortunate to go to Taos ToolBox 2007 when I did. Walter and Connie are fine writers and teachers who're also great to hang out with.

I received useful feedback in the critique sessions and had my understanding of writing and the business refined.

I also got to meet a lot of serious writers and kibitz with them. I'll look forward to seeing how far each of us goes down the road.

If Taos ToolBox 2007 will be the first and last to be held, it was a good one.

Thanks again Walter and Connie for having me.

On another note, being able to record an account of a writing workshop has been fun, especially since this will most likely be the last workshop I'll attend. The stories I could've told when I attended my other classes...

Having a blog then would've been nice.

I'm at the point now where I simply have to write and submit. If I do something else again, it'd likely be a film director workshop. Don't know when I can do that. I'll just have to see how the future turns out.



Anonymous said...


You hit it on the nose. You've been to a lot of workshops and (barring film) you're done. I am too, though I would go to this one again, novel in hand. I felt this was the ultimate in my workshop experiences. A really superb one from the perspective of the fellow writers and also the leaders. And now, it's time to write, write, write. I'm glad it turned out well for you. It certainly did for me.


Boris Layupan said...

Hey Oz,

If Taos is both our last fiction workshop, it was an awesome one to end on. :-)

I'll look forward to hearing about your sales.
