Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 10

Full day today.

We critted 3 stories (all the writers were happy with their comments) and had lectures from Walter and Connie.

Walter talked about worldbuilding for SF and fantasy. Nice and concise. He also gave us a great handout for generating random worldbuilding sheets. He'd added a writing prompt I used in my recently critted teen fantasy: a bowling ball. :-)

Our most recent assignment was to turn in a worldbuilding sheet based on 3 random prompts. I just turned mine in before blogging. Interesting exercise.

Connie talked about the use of the "past perfect tense" and "foreshadowing" in stories complete with techniques and examples.

More tools for my toolbox.

We got out a little earlier than normal, but the evening was full.

I got my endorphin fix, ate dinner with 3 ice cream sandwiches, then attended a birthday party for fellow Taos ToolBox workshopper, Kelly Robson. I had a slice of carrot cake, two pieces of chocolate cake, and a few scoops of French vanilla & chocolate chip ice cream. Having a sweet tooth can be bad. Good thing I don't indulge too much.

Anyhoo, the party was nice, and we all chatted for a while before reluctantly going back to our readings and assignments.

I took care of one story, leaving just two to read in the morning. I'll be able to polish those off quickly.

Signing off.

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