Saturday, July 07, 2007

Sit Rep

Busy, busy, busy...

On the 4th of July, I managed to see: "Ratatouille," "Live Free or Die Hard," and "Transformers." Quickly, I'd say for each in order: "another cartoon classic," "better than I expected," and "glitzy pop corn fare." I don't know if or when I'll get a chance to write something more extensive about any of these, though.

I've completed the 5th week of a six week film production course. Big expense considering I was already going to Taos. I'm not complaining too much, though, since learning how to create one's own production company is handy. :-)

The class is offered by the ESE Workshops program. Two very knowledgeable producers/instructors are teaching it, Rona Edwards and Monika Skerbelis. I'd met Rona at an industry panel in LA last August, which helped prompt me to try her online course after she started it up.

I was able to get the Week 5 work done on Thursday after getting the assignments this Wednesday. Big contrast after spending something like 96 hours over the last week on my Week 4 assignments when I wasn't working and reading stories for my upcoming Taos workshop.

I wrote phone pitches for 5 scripts (though I needed to do only two).

Then for the two required scripts, I had to research for each 6 candidates for writers, directors, actors for two roles, all their reps, and prospective production companies/studios to submit to, their contact info, the list it all out.


But I persevered and turned in my lists on Wednesday. And now I have a game plan for when I start marketing these scripts. :-)

This Saturday, I have to help out a bit at work, do some final chores, and pack.

I can hardly wait to go to Taos this Sunday. Assuming the wi-fi holds up, I expect to keep a daily blog of my Taos adventures from 7/8 to 7/21. So stay tuned.

Though I hope things don't fall apart on the homestead when I take my leave...


Anonymous said...

Have fun in Taos - I love Santa Fe!


Boris Layupan said...


That's the plan.