Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 12

Busy day.

We critted 4 stories, then Walter and Connie talked about fiction careers.

Those who want fame and money should do something else. If one sticks at it long enough, one's career will go through more than one peak and valley. A body just has to keep writing novels.

The golden age of SF was the 1980s with Star Wars and Star Trek. Now there's fewer markets, publishers, etc. But it could emerge again.

A person just has to follow their passion--and keep their day job.

Some of us saw a Carey Grant film, "Father Goose". Funny. And we saw the first few minutes of "French Kiss." I'll have to see that sometime when I get back.

Oz, Traci, & Kim served potato chips, brownies, ice cream, etc. again. Couldn't resist. Damn. I'll be glad when I reestablish my regular diet.

Walter and Connie are the first fiction people I've met who use film examples to teach. Nice.

I have a final 3 stories to read and one last assignment: write a 100 page scene, character description, etc. with no adjectives and no adverbs. No problem.

Walter and Connie want to take the group to a nearby Bavarian restaurant. Hope I'll like the brautwurst.

Connie talked about showing "French Kiss" tomorrow night, but I have to pack early and get to bed in order to leave at 5 A on Saturday. Ughhh...


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